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Bunnies, Eggs and More: Easter Games to Play at Your Easter Party 

Easter Games to Play

When spring has sprung, it’s so much fun to enjoy the sun and bond with games and activities. Whether you’re looking for Easter games for adults or children, these ideas from Pottery Barn will get you in the spirit of the season.

Classic Egg Painting

No matter how you celebrate Easter, adding color to Easter eggs is among the most classic of activities. Some ideas include decorating with washi tape, using hole reinforcement stickers and melting crayon wax onto the shells. To decorate eggs with washi tape, pick out some rolls that you like. These don’t necessarily have to be Easter-themed – use whatever colors and designs you like. Wrap the washi tape around the eggs to create beautiful, bright decor. You can also cut the washi tape with pinking shears or into smaller pieces for a different decorative look.

To decorate eggs with hole reinforcement stickers, simply place the stickers wherever you like on the shells. Then, place the eggs in the dye bath. A mixture of food coloring, water and vinegar works well to color them. Remove the eggs from the dye bath and set them out to dry. Once completely dry, carefully peel off the stickers to reveal your design.

You can also decorate eggs with melted crayon wax. Place still-hot boiled eggs in alternating sections of an egg carton on their sides. This will give you more space to paint. It’ll also minimize the risk of hitting the other eggs while doing so. Use wax crayons to draw on each egg. The crayons will melt on contact with the hot egg and leave you with vibrant colors.

Egg Search

Another fun Easter egg game is a scavenger hunt. You have any number of options here! You can hide chocolate eggs, or you can hide the larger plastic kind that open up and hold small trinkets inside. Depending on the climate you live in and how much space you have, you can have your scavenger hunt inside your home or outside.

Guess How Many Jelly Beans

Here’s a classic party activity for all seasons. Make this game more festive for Easter by using pastel jelly beans. Fill a large clear glass bowl or container with the candy beans. Don’t forget to count them so you know how many there are! Each person participating has to guess how many beans are in the bowl. Whichever player guesses closest to the actual number is the winner. If you have a lot of players, you can use small pieces of paper for this. Each player writes their name and amount, and the winner can take the container home.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny

For an Easter-themed take on pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, pin a large image of an Easter bunny on the wall or on the back of a door. If you can’t find one of these at your local craft shop, use a large piece of paper or cardboard to draw one yourself. The only other thing you’ll need for this is the fluffy tail. You can use anything from a large ball of cotton to a pom-pom made of yarn. For some extra fun, create paper carrot shapes that players must place near the bunny’s mouth or hands.

Easter Piñata

Fill an Easter-themed piñata with your favorite treats, small trinkets and toys. If you have outdoor space, you can do this activity outside, with the piñata secured to a tree. Otherwise, you can try in any part of your home. Doing a piñata activity inside your home keeps the spread of candy and treats confined to a smaller space. They’re easier for guests to gather up once the piñata opens.

Jelly Bean Toss 

If you want an alternative way to use all of the jellybeans from the counting game, try a jelly bean toss. For this game, line up a few Easter baskets or similarly sized bowls. Have players stand back a certain distance and toss the jelly beans into the baskets. To make it easier to keep track, each participant can receive one color of jelly beans. Whoever’s color has the most inside the baskets at the end is the winner. If both adults and children of various ages are playing, you can have the adults and older children stand farther back for tossing.