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How to Create the Perfect Bedtime Routine 

How to Create the Perfect Bedtime Routine

If you’re one of the millions of sleep-deprived people in America, it’s time for a bedtime routine. A bedtime routine for adults will get you back on track to sleeping well, waking up refreshed and powering through the day. Getting into a routine lets your brain and body know that it’s bedtime. At Pottery Barn, we’ve boiled down a bedtime routine into three easy steps. 

Step 1: Set the Tone and Temperature

Keep your room quiet, dark and cool – but not cold. The ideal temperature is important to many people in order to get a perfect night’s sleep. Some people like to have a window open a crack even in the coldest months just to let in some air. Others prefer to rely on the thermometer reading set at just the right point. For adults whose temperature tends to go down during the night, the ideal snoozing temperature runs between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Draw the drapes or add blackout liners to your bedroom curtains to eliminate any light leaking through from outdoors. 

Speaking of temperature, make sure your mattress supports your temperature preferences. If you are a hot sleeper, consider a quality innerspring mattress over a memory foam mattress. If you sleep cool, consider memory foam to retain body heat.

Step 2: Take Down the Bed

Part of your nightly routine is to get your bed ready for sleep. Keep it simple. Change your sheets and pillowcases anytime during your day except right before bed. Make certain you have the right sheets on for the right season. Crisp cotton sheets are ideal for warmer months. Flannel designs are best for cooler seasons. Use quilts, coverlets and blankets for the summer season. Try heavier covers, down comforters and duvets for colder months. Part of your routine should just be to quickly flip down the covers, plump up your pillow and then slip into bed to get cozy.

Routine Step 3: Stop the Activities

You already know you’re supposed to stop eating and drinking caffeine and alcohol hours before bedtime. But did you know you should finish exercising two hours before hitting the sheets and turn off electronics one hour before dropping your head on your pillow? Just drop off your phone in a recharging caddy or station located away from your bedroom. As part of your routine, turn your clock away from you so you can’t see the time if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night. Once you do that, you’ve eliminated one big source of bedtime stress. 

As for the next part of your bedtime ritual, do a brain dump, even if it’s in your bed. Keep a notebook on your bedside table. Write out on a piece of paper all your concerns of the day – anything that might keep you awake. Just doing that one activity will help your brain unload. You’ll begin to feel lighter and drowsier because you’ve given your thoughts a place to escape. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find a solution to some of your worries while dreaming.

Keep Your Schedule Going

To make your bedtime routine a success, keep the same schedule within an hour or two on weekends. Your internal clock thrives on a set structure and routine. Be mindful of your sleep schedule on a daily basis by frequently checking the clock so you don’t have to do so when you’re in bed.

Besides establishing a healthy bedtime routine to help you sleep, make sure you're sleeping on a mattress that supports you in your favorite sleeping position. Good-quality mattresses last, on average, about 10 years. Anything older than that may greatly affect how your body feels in the morning. Once you have the ideal foundation, it’s time stick to your routine and enjoy the benefits of a better night’s sleep.