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What to Bring to a Housewarming Party

What to Bring to a Housewarming Party

Hosting a housewarming party can be a lot of work, so the key to being a great guest is to bring a gift that won’t require any extra effort from your wonderful and welcoming host. For example, while a bouquet of flowers is a lovely gesture, it might require the host to stop entertaining to find a vase and arrange the flowers. Nervous about finding the right housewarming gift? We’re here to help. Check out our suggestions below or stop by your local Pottery Barn store - our experts are always ready to lend a hand.

Beautiful Barware

A nice bottle of wine presented in a stylish wine bag with a shiny new corkscrew makes for a festive gift that the host can enjoy effortlessly. If your host isn’t a wine lover or you’d like to include the kids in the fun, consider picking up some of their favorite snacks and a stylish serving platter or bowl in which to serve them.

Tasty Treats

Whether it’s the host’s dream home or starter studio apartment, gifting gourmet kitchen staples let’s your hosts enjoy the gesture long after the party is over. Visit your favorite grocery or specialty shop and treat them to some of the finer things you know they’ll use – think of specialty seasonings like saffron, artisanal pastas, truffle oil or locally-made sweets. You can keep it simple with just a single item or choose a few to create a gourmet gift basket perfectly suited to your host’s tastes.

Party Perfect

Is your host the life of plenty of parties? Show them your appreciation with a gift they can enjoy at every event. Serving platters, trays, pitchers and stands all make excellent gifts for anyone who enjoys entertaining. Find ways to personalize the gift to make it one-of-a-kind. Gift cheese lovers a new cheeseboard with reusable markers for identifying different varieties. Cake bakers love a beautiful stand to display the fruits of their labor, while tiered stands are perfect for presenting a selection of smaller treats.

Warm & Welcoming

Trying to figure out what to get the host who has everything? Forego anything that might add additional clutter to their new space and look for something small and sentimental.  A scented candle or framed picture that reminds you of special memories are great options.


Anything personalized adds a special element to any gift. A beautiful set of monogrammed bath linens, sheets or throws show your thoughtfulness while providing the new homeowner with some extra comfort. A specialty jewelry box, dresser-top trays, luggage tags and catchalls add organizational elements that any host is sure to appreciate.